About Gelcy Bueno

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Entries by Gelcy Bueno

Stocks may rise if Vale joins sustainability index, investors say

Shareholders believe company can return to listings with ESG improvements 08/23/2022 Brumadinho disaster contributed to several questions about the Vale’s environmental and safety practices — Foto: Bruno Correia/Nitro via AP Since Vale became a “true corporation” in 2020, the market has been speculating about the sale of significant parts of the shares that are still […]

Camil buys PepsiCo cookies to speed up growth

Food company also takes a 10-year long licensing of Toddy brand 08/24/2022 Luciano Quartiero — Foto: Divulgação Food company Camil announced Tuesday the purchase of the Mabel brand of cookies and the 10-year-long licensing of the Toddy brand. The business, which had been bought by PepsiCo in 2011 for R$800 million, was now sold to […]

Analysis: Falling inflation expectations are off Central Bank’s horizon

Drop has not yet been able to positively contaminate projections for longer-term inflation 08/23/2022 Central Bank’s building in Brasília — Foto: Jorge William/Agência O Globo Inflation expectations for this year and next have dropped substantially last week, but there was no benefit, for now, in the time horizon that really counts for the conduct of […]

Energisa enters two states with an eye on new businesses

Energy arm will start to operate in group’s concession area 08/23/2022 Roberta Godói — Foto: Silvia Zamboni/Valor Energisa is growing in non-regulated activities with an innovative strategy. It is using (Re)energisa, its arm in the distributed generation, free market trading, and value added services segments, to offer in its concession area in the states of […]

Amazon invests heavily to gain market share in Brazil

Company is far behind competitors but vows to grow 08/23/2022 A global trade giant — second only to Walmart, the world’s largest retailer — Amazon has invested over the last two years in Brazil to expand its market share. Since 2020, the company has increased the number of distribution centers in Brazil to 12 from […]

ICC plans to double revenue with livestock by using less antibiotics

Company specializes in yeast, a fungus that, if combined with other products, can strengthen the immunity of animals 08/22/2022 Glycon Santos — Foto: Divulgação Brazilian company ICC sees the reduction of antibiotics in the animal diet as a trend that will open more space for natural products, such as yeast – its core product. The […]

Past inflation to prop up prices by February, Santander says

Contagion by past rate grows with official inflation at 10%, study shows 08/22/2022 Daniel Karp — Foto: Carol Carquejeiro/Valor Inertial inflation is expected to strengthen in the coming months and start losing momentum only by February, according to a study by economists Daniel Karp and Felipe Kotinda, with Santander. Inertial inflation is the phenomenon by […]

Loan secured by federal aid faces resistance from banks, government

Economy Ministry sees risk of high default, vicious circle for borrowers 08/22/2022 Ronaldo Bento — Foto: José Cruz/Agência Brasil The offer of payroll-deduction loans for beneficiaries of the cash-transfer program Auxílio Brasil, one bet of President Jair Bolsonaro (Liberal Party, PL) to draw low-income voters, is rejected by the country’s largest private-sector banks and faces […]

States increase spending on education, health in first half

Covid-19 pandemic, last year’s booming revenues helped improve expenditure by 12.4% 08/19/2022 Ursula Dias Peres — Foto: Silvia Zamboni/Valor The various and successive extraordinary conditions that have marked the current term of office of governors — such as the Covid-19 pandemic and last year’s surprising tax revenues — resulted in a larger share of state […]