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Entries by Gelcy Bueno

Listed company M&A activity accelerates

Attractive bargains and restructuring opportunities fuel interest 07/30/2024 Felipe Thut — Foto: Celso Doni/Valor The lackluster performance of the Brazilian stock market, which has significantly reduced the market value of many companies, is expected to spur mergers and acquisitions (M&As) involving listed companies. In search of bargains, firms in need of capital restructuring are becoming prime targets. Consequently, there […]

Thefts surge in retail sector affecting supermarkets, pharmacies

Internal and external thefts of all kinds have reached highest level since 2019, causing R$11bn in losses 07/30/2024 Estimates show that in 2023, internal and external thefts accounted for 31.7% of losses, the highest level since 2019 — Foto: Hermes de Paula/Agência O Globo In mid-March, the manager of a neighborhood market in Piraí do […]

Coca-Cola Femsa “maxes out” factories, will need new plant in Brazil

Company is adding two new bottling lines in the country to start operating in the second half of the year 07/25/2024 Coca-Cola Femsa, the world’s largest bottler by sales volume, told analysts it must open new factories in Brazil and Mexico to meet increasing demand. Currently, the company has “maxed out” its existing factory capacity to handle orders. In […]

Brazil mulls changes to social benefits in cost-cutting effort

New measures for unemployment insurance and pensions for poor elders and disabled people wil be analyzed by lawmakers amid fiscal adjustments 25/07/2024 Marcos Mendes — Foto: Gesival Nogueira/Valor The Lula administration is considering changes to the criteria for granting the Continuous Cash Benefit (BPC, a pension for impoverished elders and disabled people) and altering unemployment insurance rules as part of another […]

Hedge funds grapple with adverse conditions to outperform CDI

Out of about 70 selected portfolios, only 22% surpassed the investment benchmark over two and a half years; in 2022, this figure was 67% 07/24/2024 Luis Stuhlberger — Foto: Gabriel Reis/Valor In the “astral hell” that led to the poorest half-year performance on record for multimarket funds, the Anbima Hedge Fund Index (IHFA) edged up by […]

Family-owned, fund-backed hospitals become acquisition targets

Following Dasa-Amil and Rede D’Or-Bradesco Seguros mergers, consolidation will now focus on units in cities with over 200,000 inhabitants 24/07/2024 Kora’s Meridional hospital in Espírito Santo — Foto: Divulgação In the wake of recent hospital mergers between Dasa and Amil and Rede D’Or with Bradesco Seguros, the healthcare sector is starting to map out future scenarios and steps. Although the current environment isn’t ideal […]

Exporters to be centerpiece in Q2 earnings season

Weakening Brazilian real, commodities to boost results in the period, analysts say 07/23/2024 Iron ore was one of the commodities helped by the real’s depreciation over the dollar — Foto: Leo Pinheiro/Valor The weakening of the Brazilian real against the dollar and the increase in the price of some of the world’s main commodities likely […]

Brazil to rank among bottom 20 nations in investment levels

Investment rates are expected to stabilize at 15-16% of GDP, positioning Brazil near the end of IMF’s global rankings 07/23/2024 Ernesto Revilla — Foto: Divulgação After recent upticks in 2021 and 2022, Brazil’s investment rate is projected to stabilize at 15% to 16% of GDP from 2024 through 2029, positioning it among the bottom 20 […]

Tight job market hides high informality

Formal employment drives up employment rate; informal jobs continue to expand, with 40% of the total 07/22/2024 Lucas Assis — Foto: Claudio Belli/Valor The Brazilian job market has shown a clear trajectory of expansion in the last two years, after the pandemic crisis hit the market, which had not yet recovered from the 2015-2016 recession. […]

Americanas’s reorganization plan enters final stage

Americanas’s reorganization plan enters final stageCreditors will be paid after approval of capital increase is ratified, expected this week 07/22/2024 Americanas: fraud is now estimated at R$25bn — Foto: Domingos Peixoto/Agência O Globo Americanas’s court-supervised reorganization plan reaches its final stage this week, a year and a half after negotiations between shareholders and creditors began. […]