The effects of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on commodity prices have prompted a wave of upward revisions in bank and consultancy forecasts for this year’s trade surplus. The new estimates in many cases show the prospect of a new record balance in 2022, with projections reaching more than $80 billion. An expected slowdown in […]
After a period of reduced prices as the pandemic took air tickets to the lowest level in 20 years in 2020, airfares surged again. The average price of air tickets sold in the local market in 2021 was R$494.01, up 19.28% compared with 2020 and 2% compared with 2019, data by the National Agency of […]
Brazil will probably end 2022 with an unemployment rate of at least 11%, representing about 12 million people unemployed — and without recovering the real income from work, currently damaged by the growth of inflation. This is what specialists consulted by Valor predict. Analysts with Tendências, XP, Ativa, LCA and Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) unanimously […]