With cash reserves strengthened and personnel expenses contained, spending grows driven by health, education 09/12/2022 The municipalities invested a combined R$20.92 billion in the first half of 2022, a real advance of 64.8% compared to the same period in 2021. In comparison with the first half of 2018, the same period in the previous election […]
2022/23 cycle will start to be planted next Sunday; production will grow 25m tonnes if weather cooperates 09/09/2022 Sowing of another Brazilian soybean crop will begin next Sunday, with all the signs of a new record. If the weather cooperates, as the current forecasts indicate, the harvest should be at least 25 million tonnes larger […]
Automaker announced elimination of 3,600 jobs, including temporary contracts 09/09/2022 When announcing, this week, the plan to outsource part of the activities of the plant in São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Mercedes-Benz hinted at the intention to give preference to nearby suppliers. An attempt for these companies to absorb the automaker’s workers who will […]