About Gelcy Bueno

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Entries by Gelcy Bueno

Antitrust regulator likely to release Petrobras from selling refineries

Case may be brought before agency for deliberation at end of March 02/23/2024 The antitrust regulator CADE is likely to accept Petrobras’s request and release the state-owned company from the obligation to sell refineries and remaining assets in the natural gas distribution and transportation market, sources involved in the negotiations say. The sales are foreseen […]

Upper buys Adora Pet; increases earnings

Manufacturer with R$550 million in sales exports 80% of what it produces and bets on acquisitions 02/23/2024 Upper Dog has become a best-seller for dog chews on Amazon in the United States — Foto: Divulgação In the fiercely competitive pet market, a Brazilian company has made significant inroads among both local and American consumers. Upper […]

023 tax offsets reach record; lower federal revenue by R$242bn

Volume represents an increase of more than 130% compared to 2019, according to data from Brazil’s Revenue Service 02/23/2024 Breno Vasconcelos — Foto: Rogerio Vieira/Valor Tax offsets significantly increased in the first year of the Lula administration, reducing the federal government’s revenue last year by R$242 billion, equivalent to 2.2% of the Gross Domestic Product […]

Mubadala takes control of Burger King operator in Brazil

Arab fund buys 16.8% stake from Fitpart 22/02/2024 Zamp operates Burger King and Popeyes restaurants in Brazil — Foto: Divulgação Changes in the shareholding position of partners in Zamp, the operator of Burger King and Popeyes restaurants in Brazil, should bring forward a move involving the future of the company. On Tuesday evening (20), Zamp […]

Petrobras initiates trials for breakthrough decarbonization technology

A $1.5bn investment fuels launch of Hisep pilot project 22/02/2024 Carlos Travassos — Foto: Gabriel Reis/Valor Petrobras revealed on Tuesday that it has initiated trials for an innovative technology designed to separate oil from CO2-rich gas directly on the seabed. This technology, known as Hisep, is a creation of the Petrobras Research Center (Cenpes) and […]

Government, Parliament agree to maintain payroll relief

The issue will be dealt with by a bill of constitutional urgency 22/02/2024 Senate President Rodrigo Pacheco — Foto: Roque de Sá/Agência Senado Government and congressional leaders have confirmed an agreement to maintain the payroll tax exemption for 17 labor-intensive sectors. Following a meeting on Wednesday (21), Senate President Rodrigo Pacheco and Finance Minister Fernando […]

G20 Rio opens with war criticism; member countries target Russia

The meeting addressed major global tensions; Russian Foreign minister faced criticism over the war in Ukraine and the death of a dissident in prison 22/02/2024 Brazil’s Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira speaks during the G20 foreign ministers meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2024 — Foto: Silvia Izquierdo/AP The G20 foreign ministers’ meeting […]

At G20, Brazil advocates UN reforms amid conflicts

Foreign ministers begin two-day ministerial meeting under Brazilian presidency of the group on Wednesday 02/21/2024 Maurício Lyrio — Foto: Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil Despite acknowledging divergences among G20 countries regarding the format of reforms at the United Nations, the Brazilian presidency of the group believes there is consensus regarding the need for a stronger UN to […]

Crisis with Israel escalates, affects Brazil’s domestic politics

Both governments trade accusations on social media after Israeli Foreign minister called on Brazilian president to retract comparison to the Holocaust 02/21/2024 Rodrigo Pacheco — Foto: Marcos Oliveira/Agência Senado In another day of escalating tensions between Brazil and Israel, government ministers of President Lula and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu exchanged sharp criticisms on social media […]

Brazil extends tax clampdown to exclusive pension funds

Measure wasn’t on wealth managers’ radar; government aims to safeguard income and prevent insurer imbalances 02/21/2024 Debora Mendeleh — Foto: Divulgação The restrictions on exclusive and restricted pension funds mark a continuation of government efforts to curtail tax avoidance practices among the ultra-wealthy. This initiative began with the biannual tax—known as the “come-cotas”—which targeted fixed-income, […]