About Gelcy Bueno

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Entries by Gelcy Bueno

Solfácil raises R$600m for solar project

Issue coordinated by Itaú BBA is Brazil’s largest operation in this segment 02/29/2024 Kanastra’s Netto and Solfácil’s Tiret — Foto: Ana Paula Paiva/Valor Solfácil, a company operating in the solar power industry, has raised R$600 million in Real Estate Receivables Certificates (CRIs) with the asset management company Kanastra. The objective is to enable the financing […]

Casino reports €1.9bn loss on GPA after asset value review

French group is expected to relinquish control of the chain in the country; a share offer in Brazil could proceed by April 02/29/2024 Jean Charles Naouri — Foto: Leo Pinheiro/Valor The French group Casino had to write off €1.85 billion in 2023 related to its investments in GPA, the operator of Pão de Açúcar. This […]

Brazil proposes tax on super-rich, but sees no consensus at G20

Proposal is unlikely to be included in final statement of finance ministers’ meeting in São Paulo 02/29/2024 Finance Minister Fernando Haddad participated in the meeting via videoconference because he recently tested positive for COVID-19 — Foto: Kelly Fersan/MF At the opening of the G20 finance ministers and central bankers’ meeting in São Paulo, Brazilian Finance […]

Lula withdraws proposal to reintroduce payroll taxes

Tax exemption helps create jobs, companies and trade unions say 02/28/2024 Alexandre Padilha — Foto: Fabio Rodrigues-Pozzebom/ Agência Brasil President Lula signed a provisional executive order on Tuesday (27) that eliminates the reintroduction of taxes for 17 labor-intensive sectors. The issue will be addressed through an urgent bill sent to Congress. The information was released […]

Inflation accelerates driven by education costs

February mid-month index saw lower increase in food; service prices concern economists 02/28/2024 Luis Otavio Leal — Foto: Celso Doni/Valor Brazil’s mid-month inflation index IPCA-15, known as a reliable predictor for official inflation, indicated a 0.78% increase in prices in February. Despite the rise compared to January, when the index went up 0.31%, February brought […]

Taxpayers lost R$109 bn in CARF disputes in 2023

The volume is more than triple that of the previous year, when the federal government won lawsuits totaling R$30bn 02/28/2024 Carlos Higino — Foto: Wenderson Araujo/Valor Taxpayers lost disputes totaling R$109 billion at the Administrative Council of Tax Appeals (CARF) in 2023, more than triple the volume recorded in the previous year of R$30 billion. […]

Imported steel pits consumer industries against steelmakers

Mills are calling for an increase in the import tax on the material to 25% and for China to be investigated for “dumping” 02/26/2024 José Velloso The tug-of-war between Brazil-based steelmakers and the steel-consuming sectors, which became personal between the end of 2023 and the beginning of this year, has returned to the sectoral arena, […]

Companies speed up debenture issues in heated market

Banks boost allocations, eyeing secondary markets, as demand nearly doubles supply 02/26/2024 Renato Otranto — Foto: Gabriel Reis/Valor In the wake of the rally in tax-exempt debentures caused by the National Monetary Council’s restrictions on the issuance of real estate and agribusiness credit certificates and bills (CRIs, CRAs, LCIs, LCAs, and LIGs), another race has […]

Regulation of AI may be postponed until after election

Senate rapporteur promises to send text in April, but analysis face challenges 02/26/2024 Senator Eduardo Gomes — Foto: Edilson Rodrigues/Agência Senado Pointed out by Senate President Rodrigo Pacheco as a priority for the first half of the year, the bill authored by him that regulates artificial intelligence is expected to advance soon in the Upper […]