About Gelcy Bueno

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Entries by Gelcy Bueno

Rio Grande do Sul government considers relocating entire cities

Increasing frequency of extreme weather events demands new engineering solutions, experts say 05/17/2024 Marcia Musskopf and Sandra Barzotto, who own two stores in Roca Sales, Rio Grande do Sul — Foto: Arquivo pessoal It remains unclear when reconstruction efforts will begin in Rio Grande do Sul. However, engineers, urban planners, and the state government agree […]

Floods decimate bees, threaten Rio Grande do Sul’s honey dominance

State accounts for 15% of honey production in Brazil 05/17/2024 Recent weeks’ heavy rains have covered or fully destroyed many beehives in the state — Foto: Sérgio Ranalli The recent floods in Rio Grande do Sul are expected to confirm a situation that has been threatening small farmers, who dominate the activity in the region: […]

Private equity funds have worst start to year since 2020

New investments fell by 8%, while company exits plummeted by 80% year-on-year from January to the first week of May 05/17/2024 Priscila Rodrigues — Foto: Gabriel Reis/Valor Private equity funds, which buy equity stakes in companies, are experiencing one of the most challenging periods in recent years. The scenario is caused by volatility and the […]

Chinese e-commerce giant Temu set to enter Brazilian market

Amid pressure from local industry and retailers, Temu applies for tax-exemption certification 05/16/2024 As the industry and retailers increase pressure to bring the issue of ending import tax exemptions for foreign websites to the forefront in the Lower House, a new global player is poised to enter the Brazilian market. Sources say that Temu, part […]

Magda Chambriard to champion government agendas at Petrobras

Newly appointed CEO committed to investments in refineries, gas, and fertilizers 05/16/2024 Magda Chambriard — Foto: Ana Paula Paiva/Valor Appointed as the new CEO of Petrobras, Magda Chambriard had at least two key meetings this week, according to government sources, before starting her term at the lead of the state-owned company in alignment with her […]

U.S. elections, Fed influence Lula administration’s economic choices

Entrepreneurs, government officials, and sector experts review business opportunities between Brazil and the U.S. 05/16/2024 Gabriel Galípolo, the Brazilian Central Bank’s Monetary Policy Director, alongside former Fed members James Bullard and Kevin Warsh — Foto: Vanessa Carvalho/Valor Two significant events in the United States later this year—the potential start of the Federal Reserve’s interest rate […]

U.S. prepared to partner with Brazil in energy transition, says American ambassador

Green energy and energy transition areas are ripe for cooperation between the two nations, said U.S. Ambassador to Brazil Elizabeth Frawley Bagley 05/15/2024 Elizabeth Frawley Bagley — Foto: Vanessa Carvalho/Valor The U.S. ambassador to Brazil, Elizabeth Frawley Bagley, stated today (15) at the Summit Valor Econômico Brazil-USA that the United States is ready to invest and cooperate […]

Brazil sees second-largest dollar outflow ever

Movement helps explain shift in expectations for the real’s performance 05/14/2024 Fabio Landi — Foto: Leo Pinheiro/Valor Investor hopes for a stronger Brazilian real at the turn of the year quickly dissipated. The robustness of Brazil’s trade balance bolstered renewed expectations for the real’s appreciation, similar to last year, when the commercial flow was solid. […]

Rains compromise soybean crop potential

Consultancy Pátria Agronegócios predicts loss of 2.4m tonnes 05/14/2024 Soybean field in Viamão, one of the regions most affected by the floods in Rio Grande do Sul: with more rain forecasted, losses are expected to increase — Foto: Marcelo Beledeli/Valor The heavy rains battering Rio Grande do Sul have made losses in the state’s soybean […]

Brazil aims to advance bioeconomy discussions at G20

Civil society survey will support the federal government in negotiations in the group 05/13/2024 Luana Maia — Foto: Divulgação The main innovation introduced to the G20 agenda by the Brazilian presidency, the bioeconomy, still has a long but urgent road ahead of it, starting with its very definition. Throughout this week, representatives of governments and […]