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Entries by Gelcy Bueno

São Paulo’s industrial production drops in July after three-month growth

The country’s primary and most diversified industrial hub accounts for approximately 33% of the national industrial output 09/13/2024 Over 12 months through July, Brazil’s overall industrial production rose by 2.2% — Foto: Rogerio Vieira/Valor Following a cumulative increase of 4.1% over three consecutive months, São Paulo’s industrial production fell by 1.8% in July compared to […]

Climate crisis forces insurers to rethink risk calculations

The impact of two months of rain in Rio Grande do Sul was comparable to the more than R$7bn in losses seen over two years of the pandemic 08/13/2024 Pasture burned by fire in the Campinas region, São Paulo: Insurers’ risk assessment models, based on historical series, are becoming less effective in the face of […]

Mudanças climáticas agravam insegurança alimentar, diz pesquisadora

Encontro na Uerj termina hoje 13/09/2024 A relação direta entre a fome e as mudanças climáticas foi debatida por pesquisadores que se reuniram na Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Uerj) nesta semana, no 6º Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Soberania e Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional, que termina nesta sexta-feira (13). Coordenadora do evento […]

Chinese brands dodge tax with stock

Despite two tax hikes, Chinese brands have yet to increase prices 09/12/2024 BYD operation at Suape Port in Pernambuco — Foto: Maira Erlich/Bloomberg Since the government announced the gradual reinstatement of the Import Tax on electric and hybrid cars, the tax has been increased twice, in January and July. However, Chinese brands, which are the […]

House passes bill establishing compensation for payroll-tax cut

Bill that makes it possible to continue exempting 17 labor-intensive sectors and municipalities from paying taxes is now on its way to presidential assent 09/12/2024 Despite passing the main text and rejecting amendments, the Lower House adjourned early Thursday without fully approving a bill that ensures the continuation of payroll tax exemptions for 17 labor-intensive […]

BlackRock-backed firm secures R$400m for solar power generation

First R$200m already withdrawn by the company 09/12/2024 Ty Eldridge — Foto: Rogerio Vieira/Valor Brasol, a renewable energy company primarily funded by BlackRock and Siemens, has announced its first issuance of simple debentures, amounting to R$400 million, to finance its growth plan through the construction or acquisition of new solar plants in the distributed generation […]

Industry ramps up deliveries but drought may drive up prices

Planning has improved, but freight costs have tripled and product shortages remain a concern 09/11/2024 If drought in the Amazon region worsens and freight costs continue to rise, consumers may see higher prices in stores — Foto: Ricardo Stuckert/PR/Divulgação Improved planning by the industry and retail sectors for this year’s dry season in Manaus, compared […]

Analysis: Inflation might ease some pressure on Central Bank

Despite deflation, consumer price index also delivered some bad news for the country’s monetary policy 09/11/2024 Central Bank’s building in Brasília — Foto: Cristiano Mariz/Agência O Globo In August, inflation posted its first decline of the year, moving away from the upper end of Brazil’s Central Bank target and potentially easing some pressure on the […]

Dry weather affects crops, raises flag on food prices

Lack of rain delays planting of beans, soybeans; concerns increase export premiums at the port of Paranaguá 09/11/2024 Coffee crops damaged by drought in Bom Jesus — Foto: Alexandre Maroti/Arquivo pessoal The recent fires in agricultural production areas in different parts of Brazil prompted a warning on the population but the dry weather is currently […]

U.S. interest rate cut may provide additional support to Ibovespa

While talks of further Selic rate hikes remain in focus, the stock market has surged 10.2% since early July 09/06/2024 Aline Cardoso — Foto: Carol Carquejeiro/Valor As the U.S. monetary easing cycle approaches, market participants are increasingly anticipating this month’s interest rate decision, expecting it could fuel further gains for the benchmark stock index Ibovespa. […]