Admiral Anatalício Risden Junior will be the new Brazilian director-general of Itaipu Binacional. The military takes the place of the retired general João Francisco Ferreira, who resigned on Tuesday. The information was first reported by Valor and later confirmed by Binacional.
Sources in the electric sector consulted by Valor informed that his position was being negotiated by center-right parties that wanted to have a say, and Mr. Ferreira had anticipated his resignation to avoid wear and tear. The name of the substitute has yet to be evaluated by the board of Eletrobras, Brazil’s main power utility Eletrobras.
The confirmation, however, must be officially published on the Daily Gazette. Mr. Risden has a degree in Naval Sciences, is 62 years old, was born in Curitiba (Paraná), and served for more than 40 years of active duty in the Navy.
The announcement of Mr. Ferreira’s departure was made to advisors, assistants and directors. The military is reticent and prefers not to stay during the transition period because, according to him, he no longer sees any sense in making decisions knowing that he will not stay.
Mr. Ferreira took over the command of Binacional in April 2021, replacing the also General Joaquim Silva e Luna, who held the post for two years and today is the CEO of Petrobras after being appointed by President Jair Bolsonaro.
Source: Valor international