The unemployment rate in Brazil reached 11.2 percent in the mobile quarter encompassing December 2021 through February this year. The index is lower than in the quarter ended in November (11.6%) and in the one ended in February last year (14.6%).
The figures can be found in the Continuous PNAD (National Household Sample Survey), released today (Mar. 31) by the Brazil’s official statistics agency IBGE.
The jobless also declined in number to 12 million in the quarter ended in February, down 3.1 percent from the previous quarter (ended in November), or 389 thousand fewer people. Compared to the same quarter last year (ended in February 2021), the drop was 19.5 percent, 2.9 million fewer people.
The employed population (95.2 million) remained stable from the previous quarter, but rose 9.1 percent against the same quarter last year.
Source: Agência Brasil