About Gelcy Bueno

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Entries by Gelcy Bueno

Deforestation in the Cerrado biome threatens medicinal plants

Destruction of native forest in the biome harms traditional communities, who depend on these resources to survive 02/02/2024 Lucely Pio — Foto: Katarina Silva /WWF-Brasil Some of the medicinal plant species used by the Xakriabá indigenous people, from the north of Minas Gerais, no longer exist. They have disappeared as a result of the advance […]

Brazil restricts issuance of tax-exempt bonds

The measure also covers agribusiness bonds and other real estate securities; the decision was made at a special meeting 02/02/2024 Finance Minister Fernando Haddad is a member of CMN — Foto: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil The National Monetary Council (CMN) announced Thursday (1), after a special meeting, a series of limitations on the issuance of tax-exempt […]

Approval of Minerva-Marfrig deal could take longer than expected

Antitrust watchdog CADE says acquisition of assets is not simple, requires more time for analysis 02/01/2024 The approval—or not—of the acquisition of Marfrig’s beef assets by Minerva Foods should take longer than the companies had previously expected. The companies submitted the deal to the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) on September 27, 2023, when […]

Firjan points out ways to increase gas production in Brazil

Rio de Janeiro state accounts for 70% of Brazil’s gas production; only 24% of it reaches consumer market 02/01/2024 There is shortage of natural gas in Brazil to meet growing demand. That is the conclusion of the “Prospects for Gas in Rio,” a study by the Rio de Janeiro Federation of Industries (Firjan) to be […]

Brazil cuts interest rate by 50bp, signals continued easing pace

Central Bank Committee projects ongoing cuts of 50 basis points “in the upcoming meetings” 02/01/2024 Central Bank’s Copom suggested similar reductions “in the next few meetings” should economic conditions unfold as projected — Foto: Beto Nociti/BCB The Brazilian Central Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee (Copom) has once again lowered the Selic (Brazil’s benchmark interest rate) rate, […]

Gol studies measures against LATAM for trying to take its planes

One day after the airline filed for court-supervised reorganization, Santiago-based group reportedly sent letters to lessors eying up to 25 aircraft 01/31/2024 Gol shares plunged again on Tuesday (30) trading session — Foto: Fabiano Rocha/Agência O Globo Gol is studying measures against LATAM after the competitor attempted to take 20 to 25 of its 737 […]

Foreign capital inflows unlikely to make real much stronger, Citi says

External scenario should continue to play relevant role in the real’s performance, while commodity prices and trade balance may not provide same support as last year 01/30/2024 Eduardo Miszputen — Foto: Carol Carquejeiro/Valor Although Brazil remains a standout among emerging markets and has recently been the focus of foreign investors, the country is unlikely to […]

Brazil reports worst primary deficit since 2020

Result includes social tax PIS/Pasep and revenue from sale of electric utility Copel and excludes court-ordered payments 01/30/2024 Rogério Ceron — Foto: Washington Costa/MF The Lula administration posted a primary deficit of R$230 billion in its first year, the worst result since 2020, as reported on Monday (30) by the National Treasury. Of that amount, […]

Government wants to act before crisis hits agribusiness, minister says

Officials project scenarios for extending investment installments, creating new lines of financing, and measures to support commercialization 01/25/2024 Carlos Fávaro — Foto: Edilson Rodrigues/Agência Senado The combination of a predicted shortfall in Brazil’s grain harvest and continued low international commodity prices has created a scenario that is as rare and complex as it is potentially […]