About Gelcy Bueno

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Entries by Gelcy Bueno

Analysis: Remarks of policymaker reduce chance of rates above 13.25%

Bruno Serra — Foto: Carol Carquejeiro/Valor The speech of the Central Bank’s monetary policy director, Bruno Serra Fernandes, in an event held by Goldman Sachs on Monday morning greatly reduces the chances of Brazil’s benchmark interest rate Selic being raised beyond 13.25% per year. He classified the extension of the cycle of interest rate hikes […]

Acquisition of LafargeHolcim by CSN may face questions

The acquisition made by CSN Cimentos of the assets of LafargeHolcim in Brazil for more than $1 billion may face questioning in the analysis of the operation by the antitrust regulator CADE, not scheduled yet. It may be postponed to the second half, according to sources consulted by Valor, and may be subject to some […]

Biogas gains ground in Brazil’s power generation mix

Viewed in the past as a niche source, biogas is already starting to find a relevant space in the power mix, either as generation or fuel. A significant step was taken this month with the partnership formed between the Brazilian Association of Piped Gas Distributors (Abegás) and the Brazilian Biogas Association (ABiogás). The two associations […]

Falling stocks lead IPO companies to seek M&A

Companies that went public last year started talks with financial advisors to seek capital injections or even merge with rivals, sources say. Of the 45 companies that went public in 2021, only nine are traded above the IPO price – the remainder saw stocks fall, and most of it perform well below Brazil’s benchmark stock […]

Alcoa is back to aluminum mining, production in Brazil

U.S.-based multinational Alcoa, which has been operating in the Brazilian aluminum industry for almost six decades, is once again positioning itself in the country, with production ranging from bauxite mining to alumina and raw metal. Globally, aluminum has gained new market dynamics, with applications in the electrification of vehicles and other fields, such as electricity […]

Free market to invest R$152bn in power generation

Investors in the free power market — a segment in which it is possible to choose your supplier — have increased their participation in new generation projects. This group accounts for 83% of the total 45 gigawatts (GW) of power plants under construction and scheduled to start operating by 2026, according to a survey by […]

Fintechs make number of financial institutions grow

The intense innovation process experienced in recent years has created a fertile ground for the digitalization of financial services and products. In this context, after six years in decline, the number of financial institutions grew again in 2019, a movement that gained traction amid the Covid-19 pandemic. In February, according to the last data released […]

Winter corn drives record grain harvest

With the accomplishment of the harvest of crops such as summer corn and rice, and the expectation of an increase in the planting area of winter corn, the National Supply Company (Conab) has raised its estimate for the national production of grains and fibers in this 2021/22 season. The projection now indicates 270.2 million tonnes, […]

Enel Green Power to build new wind farm

Enel Green Power, the renewable energy arm of Italy’s Enel, has started to build a 348-megawatt wind farm in Bahia as part of its investment plan in clean power. The plan is to install a solar farm and a battery system in the future so that the venture becomes hybrid. Located in the municipalities of […]

Schwab mulls buying Itaú’s stake in XP

After Itaú exercised the option to buy another stake in XP two weeks ago, of 11.36%, investors began to approach both to discuss a potential purchase of the shares. One interested buyer in talks is U.S.-based Charles Schwab, Valor’s business website Pipeline found out. Finding a buyer for a relevant stake paves the way and […]