About Gelcy Bueno

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Entries by Gelcy Bueno

Analysis: Inflation nightmare is not over

The snapshot of inflation offered by mid-month inflation index IPCA-15 in May makes it clear that Brazil is still in inflation hell, unlike what Economy Minister Paulo Guedes said last week. Inflationary pressures remain widespread, with strong increases in the prices of services, industrial products, fuels and food at home. Even with the significant deflation […]

Change at Petrobras increases uncertainty

One day after the government’s decision to change Petrobras CEO – the third in little more than a year – the market’s perception of risk regarding the company’s pricing policy has increased even more. The oil company’s board of directors meets on Wednesday, and the meeting may be decisive to define how long its pricing […]

Projects recreate ecosystems in Amazon, Atlantic Forest

The restoration of forests in Brazil has been gaining supporters in the private sector and also in the public sector. Despite the long and uncertain way to go to reach the government’s goal of recovering 12 million hectares until 2030, recent initiatives like the one from newcomer re.green, the multinational packaging company Tetra Pak, the […]

Solvay gives up selling Latin American assets

Daniela Manique — Foto: Ana Paula Paiva/Valor Belgium’s Solvay, owner of Rhodia, closed the doors to a potential sale of assets in Latin America after deciding to split businesses into two independent, public companies. Instead, the operation will gain prominence within the global essential chemicals company to be formed from the split, said Daniela Manique, […]

Vocational education is key for Brazil but a pact is needed

Guilherme Lichand — Foto: Thays Bittar/Divulgação The advancement of vocational education to 40% or 50% of the places offered in high schools, from 10% now, is a strategy that can contribute to the country’s development, with increased productivity, reduced inequality, and increased opportunities for young people, experts say. Considered “revolutionary” by some, this path requires […]

Red-hot sanitation market taps tax-exempt bonds

The advance of basic sanitation, a red-hot market since a new legal framework came into effect about two years ago, has been increasingly financed by private-sector funds – and not only in those places that auctioned water and sewage services. The use of tax-exempt infrastructure bonds to finance projects in the industry is growing rapidly […]

Healthcare groups lose profit margin

The 14 publicly traded healthcare companies — hospitals, diagnostic medicine laboratories, and health insurance companies — had a loss in profitability in the first quarter, when compared to the same period last year. The earnings reports were impacted by the macroeconomic environment, which led to more cancellations of health insurance plans, and by the wave […]

BR Properties sells assets to Brookfield to get back in the black

Martin Andres Jaco — Foto: Claudio Belli/Valor BR Properties agreed to sell 12 business buildings and two plots of land to Brookfield. The deal signed Wednesday is expected to generate a net result of R$5.5 billion, the company’s chief financial officer André Bergstein said. The amount will be set aside for prepayment of debts –BR […]

Electricity bill reduction is new test for minister

Having passed the crucial stage of Eletrobras’s privatization, which was approved by the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU), Mines and Energy Minister Adolfo Sachsida will now negotiate a proposal to reduce electricity bills, which is under negotiation with Congress, and debate the use of public money for gas pipelines. The minister did not reply to […]

Russia became fifth-largest exporter to Brazil despite war

The Brazilian imports of Russian products accelerated at the beginning of this year at a much faster pace than the total of foreign purchases. As a consequence, the Russians, despite being at war with Ukraine, have climbed up the ranks and became, from January to April, the fifth-largest exporter to Brazil. In the same period […]