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Entries by Gelcy Bueno

Banco do Brasil, Caixa compete for Crop Plan funds

Caixa has grown in agribusiness and wants bigger share; BB fears delays in releasing credits 06/15/2022 Soy planted in Mato Grosso: state-owned banks compete for clients in Brazilian farms — Foto: Ruy Baron/Valor Banco do Brasil (BB) and Caixa Econômica Federal are fighting behind the scenes a fierce dispute for the funds of Crop Plan […]

Analysis: Copom’s scenario for oil called into question

Future curve suggests barrel north of $110 by the end of the year, 10% above Central Bank’s main scenario 06/14/2022 The main scenario for oil prices used by the Central Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee (Copom) to fine-tune its interest rate policy is being called into question amid new pressures on the commodity. The Central Bank […]

U.S. sees no political climate to lift tariffs on Brazilian steel

Restrictions on Brazilian steel were imposed in 2018 during the Trump administration 06/14/2022 Restrictions on Brazilian steel were imposed in 2018 during the Trump administration — Foto: Reprodução/Severstal The Biden administration has signaled to Brazil that it will not meet so soon the demand to review the quotas that limit the ingress of domestic steel […]

Foreigners to get more space in government procurement

Brazil takes to WTO proposal to expand access of companies in public bids 06/13/2022 Lucas Ferraz — Foto: Edu Andrade/Ascom/ME In negotiations to join the Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Brazil will make this week a new offer that expands accession for foreign companies in the country’s public procurement. […]

Market expects new interest rate hike

Selic rate is expected to be raised to 13.25% on Wednesday because of worsening inflation and fiscal risk 06/13/2022 With the Selic policy interest rate already in double digits since the beginning of the year and in significantly contractionary territory, the Central Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee (Copom) meets this week to deliver a new interest […]

Brazil climbs three positions, ranks 6th in FDI

UNCTAD shows optimism about Brazil’s rise, unlike the rest of the world 06/10/2022 FDI flow to Brazil in 2021 reached $50.3 billion, up 77.9% from 2020 — Foto: Scott Eells/Bloomberg Brazil was the sixth country that attracted the most Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in 2021, climbing three positions in relation to the previous year, the […]

Airport auction seen as drawing interest from major players

Challenging scenario, with strong inflation of construction costs, is unlikely to hinder competition 06/10/2022 Brazil’s new auction of airport concessions, scheduled for August 18, is expected to draw strong interest from the private sector. The challenging scenario in the infrastructure market, with strong inflation of construction costs, high interest rates and economic uncertainties, is unlikely […]

Petrobras stalls fuel price hikes

Meanwhile, changes in management team of oil behemoth are also in standstill 06/10/2022 Fuel prices prompted change in the command of Petrobras — Foto: Leo Pinheiro/Valor The double-digit gap between diesel prices in Brazil and abroad means that Petrobras could immediately raise costs to refineries, sources told Valor. The company, however, continues to analyze the […]

Eletrobras raises R$33.7bn in mega stock offering

After privatization by capital increase, government will hold about 40% of votes 06/10/2022 Investors say changes will help company gain efficiency — Foto: Domingos Peixoto/Agência O Globo Eletrobras managed to price at R$42 each share in the mega stock offering that will privatize the company. Eletrobras sold 802.1 million shares, raising R$33.7 billion. According to […]