
First Lady Rosângela da Silva says Brazil experienced setbacks in public policies


Speaking at the SDGs in Brazil, an event held by the UN Global Compact Brazil on Thursday (19), in New York, Ambassador Sérgio Danese emphasized the importance of sustainable development as one of the fundamental pillars of international politics. He highlighted the importance of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a crucial achievement in Brazil’s advocacy for multilateralism and global cooperation.

According to the ambassador, Brazil has been a historic advocate of development as one of the three fundamental pillars of the United Nations, alongside peace and security. “Brazil is seeking to convey the message of the importance of sustainable development as one of the pillars of global politics,” he affirmed.

During the event, Mr. Danese emphasized that Brazil is launching the Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty, within the G20. The proposal aims to create international synergies to combat poverty, including the creation of a database of social policies and promote an exchange of knowledge and strengthening of instruments to combat poverty on the global stage.

The ambassador also highlighted Brazil’s advances in social policies, citing the latest UN State of Food Security (SOFI 2024), released in July. “The UN report shows that severe food insecurity fell by 85% in 2023 when 14.7 million people were spared from going hungry in the country,” he said.

Despite the advances, the ambassador warned of the challenges still faced by Brazil in the environmental sphere. He mentioned the recent flood disasters in Rio Grande do Sul and the fires currently destroying parts of the national territory as some signs of the urgency of stronger actions to mitigate climate change.

At the event, First Lady Rosângela da Silva said the country experienced “setbacks” in recent public policies and cited COP30, which will take place in Belém in 2025, as a crucial opportunity to advance global climate negotiations. She emphasized the importance of the conference in addressing environmental challenges, especially in the Amazon rainforest, and restoring Brazil’s leading role in the fight against climate change.

Ms. Silva cited the crucial role of the next Climate Conference (COP30) in Belém in advancing global climate negotiations. According to her, when the 2030 Agenda was launched, in 2015, UN countries were committed to maintaining progress on the Millennium Development Goals. However, Brazil went through a period of dismantling and setbacks, which negatively impacted its ability to achieve the established goals.

*Por Robson Rodrigues — New York

Source: Valor International